GHEP Online School 2024: Workshop 1
Kinship and pedigree analysis: Methods and applications
- Dates: October 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2024
- Where: Online, as part of GHEP-ISFG Online School 2024
- Teachers: Magnus D. Vigeland and Thore Egeland
- Audience: Students, researchers and case workers in forensic genetics
Learning outcomes
- Classical concepts and methods of genetic relatedness
- Using QuickPed and other apps for pedigree analysis
- Using Familias software to perform kinship testing
- Methods for relationship inference and pedigree reconstruction
- Practical methods for disaster victim identification
Software preparation: R
Several exercises will use R. In order to do them, please install the following on your computer:
Run the following command in R to install the pedsuite packages:
Software preparation: Familias
Part of the course is based on kinship testing in the Familias software, which can be installed here:
The course runs each Monday of October 2024, from 16 to 20 (CEST). The following schedule is tentative:
Oct 7: Theory of relatedness
- 16:00–17:00 Introduction to pedigrees, QuickPed and R (MDV)
- 17:00–17:45 Exercises I
- 17:45–18:00 Break
- 18:00–19:00 Measures of relatedness (MDV)
- 19:00–19:45 Exercises II
- 19:45–20:00 Wrap-up
Oct 14: Kinship testing
- 16:00–17:00 Introduction to forensic kinship testing (TE)
- 17:00–17:45 Exercises III
- 17:45–18:00 Break
- 18:00–19:00 Kinship testing with Familias (TE)
- 19:00–19:45 Exercises IV. File needed: kinship-riddle.fam
- 19:45–20:00 Wrap-up
Oct 21: Relatedness inference
- 16:00–17:00 Realised relatedness: Why are some siblings more alike than others? (MDV)
- 17:00–17:45 Exercises V
- 17:45–18:00 Break
- 18:00–19:00 Pedigree reconstruction (MDV)
- 19:00–19:45 Exercises VI
- 19:45–20:00 Wrap-up
Oct 28: Disaster victim identification
- 16:00–17:00 DNA-based disaster victim identification (TE)
- 17:00–17:45 Exercises VII. Familias file: planecrash.fam
- 17:45–18:00 Break
- 18:00–19:00 Practical DVI with Diviana (MDV)
- 19:00–19:45 Exercises VIII
- 19:45–20:00 Wrap-up
Solutions to the exercises can be requested by email to magnusdv at gmail dot com.